As post-pandemic consumers increase their focus on physical and mental health, Side Delights® shares industry data on potato’s immune-building nutrients and healthy carbohydrates.
Newport Beach, CA (April 25, 2022) – Side Delights® shared new insight on changing post-pandemic fitness trends and clarification on carbohydrates, suggesting Side Delights® potatoes are perfectly positioned to fit consumers’ new needs.
For decades, diet trends have driven consumers to seek food choices typically low in fat, sugar, calories, or carbohydrates. The pandemic created a heightened awareness of the importance of immune defense, expanding the focus of diet on appearance to overall personal well-being, including physical and mental health.
Not only has COVID-19 changed the way consumers cook, shop, and socialize – studies confirm it has impacted their outlook towards fitness, with a balance of healthy eating and exercise. A new Global Report of Post-Pandemic Fitness Trends reported that as people emerge from the pandemic, the focus on health and wellness is more significant than ever and highlights that being physically fit boosts health, immunity, and mental wellness.1
“Fitness experts have always recognized the nutritional benefits of potatoes as part of a healthy diet and to enhance physical performance,” said Kathleen Triou, President and CEO of Fresh Solutions Network. As cited in a February 2018 Side Delights press release, potatoes were included in the Olympian Menu for athletes at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea as part of a performance-enhancing meal due to their nutritional value and quality carbohydrate content.
“Carbs have a bad reputation, but they are the body’s main source of energy and are one of the three macronutrients that the body requires daily,” added Triou. “Side Delights are a great source of healthy carbohydrates and Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.”
In response to misinformation about potatoes containing “bad” carbohydrates,” Potatoes USA released an April 13 industry update, Nutrition Experts Help Clarify Carb Confusion, to clarify misinformation about carbohydrates for consumers and health professionals. A Carbohydrate Food Quality Score (CFQS) was developed to define a food’s carbohydrate quality, including nutrients such as sodium and potassium, to determine food’s overall nutritional benefits and align with respected recommendations such as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The researchers will be releasing a follow-up paper later this year, demonstrating how the scoring system can be applied to various eating patterns and reduce consumer confusion about carbohydrates.2
Side Delights® offers a variety of healthy choices, including Potato Kits, Convenience Potatoes, Gourmet Potatoes, Fresh-Cut Potatoes, and Organic Potatoes. For more information on Side Delights® products and its network of farms, visit SideDelights.com and GrownWhereItMatters.com.