Blogger Challenge Focuses on Creative Power Bowl Recipes
Starring Side Delights® Steamables

San Francisco, CA  (November 20, 2017) ­ Side Delights®, the creator of America¹s #1 selling line of microwaveable potato bags, Side Delights® Steamables, announced its latest challenge in its popular blogger influencer marketing program to create recipes for ³Potato Power Bowls² featuring Side Delights® Steamables potatoes. Past challenges included the #MashItOrSmashIt² mashed potato recipe program and the #PotatoSaladRedux² potato salad recipe program.

The newest challenge leverages the growing popularity of ³bowls² with #PotatoPowerBowl. Based on consumer studies, bowls were one of the hottest food and beverage trends for the year, with 2017 being called ³The Year of Food Bowls.²

Bloggers were challenged to create recipes for a one-bowl meal with any form of potatoes as the base (mashed, smashed, hash brown, diced, fries, scalloped, etc.), layered with protein, more vegetables and whatever else inspired the blogger.

Some of the blogger¹s most creative recipes included the Savory Potato Breakfast Bowl, the classic Twice Baked Potato Bowl, and the Nacho Potato Power Bowl ­ just in time for Super Bowl entertaining.  The blogger recipes and photos link to the Side Delights® website and use the hashtag #PotatoPowerBowl. The program is amplified with social media posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, increasing the impressions and awareness.

³Side Delights® Steamables are triple-washed microwaveable in the bag, and ready to eat in 8 minutes ­ which is exactly the convenience that Millennials and other busy shoppers are seeking,³ noted Kathleen Triou, President and CEO of Fresh Solutions Network, LLC. ³This program leverages a popular trend to show food bloggers, home cooks and food influencers one more way to enjoy Side Delights® Steamables, and encourages them to share their recipes through social media channels, driving shoppers into the store.²

*5 Top Food Trends You¹ll See in 2017, Forbes Lifestyle 11/30/2016; Baum + Whiteman International Food + Restaurant Consultants – 13 Hottest Food & Beverage Trends in Restaurant & Hotel Dining for 2017 Report Published in 2016; 2017, The Year of Food Bowls ­

About Fresh Solutions Network, LLC:  Fresh Solutions Network (FSN) is the exclusive supplier of Side Delights® potatoes and onions.  FSN is a group of family owned growers and shippers who choose to work together to make the potato and onion industry better for everyone. FSN helps fresh potato and onion buyers grow their categories, maximize category investment, and increase sales. FSN delivers category insights, collaborative innovation and customized assortment. Fresh Solutions Network, LLC partners are: Sterman Masser, Inc. (Masser Potato Farms and Keystone Potato Products in Sacramento and Hegins, PA), Michael Family Farms, Inc.  (Urbana, OH), Basin Gold Cooperative, Inc. (Pasco, WA), Green Thumb Farms, Inc. (Fryeburg, ME), Red Isle Potato Growers, Ltd. (Prince Edward Island, Canada), NoKota Packers, Inc. (Buxton, ND), Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc. (Sugar City, ID) and Mack Farms (Lake Wales, FL).